con motivo de lo que ha estado pasando en Tibet están circulando diversos mails sobre movidas que se están organizando. este me llegó hoy. en Argentina o en otros lados pueden hacer cosas parecidas como escribirle mail a la embajada China en Arg. o usar algo de lo que aparece acá.
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(1) ** For people in the Greater Vancouver area **
Please join Tibetans, CTC, and other supporters THIS Saturday 22 March for a peaceful rally and march for Tibet
- starts on the Georgia St of the Vancouver Art Gallery at 12 noon !
> more info at:
2) Other ways to help, full details at:
a. Call your MP and the Prime Minister of Canada
b. Call, fax or email the Chinese embassy in Ottawa > directly advocate !
c. Fax Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee > urge the IOC NOT to allow the Olympic torch to go through Tibetan territory!
3) petition: “Stand with Tibet: Support the Dalai Lama” > takes only a minute !
4) published March 20:
- The Toronto Globe and Mail: Harper urges China to use 'restraint' in Tibet
- The International Herald Tribune: In Tibetan areas, parallel worlds now collide
5) and in the longer term, please do not buy products or materials “Made in China”
Recortes del día
Hace 21 horas.
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