martes, enero 15, 2008

hoy fue una mañana sensacional de sol

y esto me hizo pensar en la relación entre la luz solar y el ser, la nada (no luz solar) y el ser.
navegando x internet encontré este artículo que habla sobre los efectos de la deficiencia de vitamina D causada x falta de exposición a la luz solar.
en una parte dice:

John Ott states that we need more ultraviolet light than we obtain from artificial light through windows. Ultraviolet light of the short wave length, germicidal ultraviolet, is mostly filtered out by the earth's atmosphere. This fear of getting too much ultraviolet light is creating a deficiency of an essential life supporting energy.

Ott further relates that there is probably a relationship between chronic diseases and lack of sunlight. "My studies have shown that light is a nutrient, similar to all the other nutrients we take in through food and that we need the full spectrum range of natural sunlight". If human skin is not exposed to solar radiation (direct or scattered) for long periods of time, disturbances will occur in the physiological equilibrium of the human system. The result will be disorders of the nervous system, vitamin D deficiency, weakening of the body's defenses, depression and an aggravation of chronic diseases".

He calls this state malillumination (lack of necessary sunlight). This develops when wavelengths are missing in various types of artificial light or are filtered from natural light passing through window glass, windshields, tinted eyeglasses, smog, and sun tan lotions. The minerals and chemicals in the individual cells of our bodies that would normally be nourished by the missing wavelengths remain in the equivalent of darkness.

In other words energy cannot be extracted from food materials if the proper wavelengths of light are not available to help break them down chemically.

Dr. Ott has called the attention of the medical profession to the dangers of using tinted eyeglasses. He has perfected gray-tinted lenses that will allow the passage of all wavelengths of light. The majority of sunglasses available today do not permit full transmission of light and are clearly detrimental to the health of the wearer.

Many women are unable to become pregnant because of the use of tinted sunglasses in Ott's opinion.. He advised 6 infertile women to throw away their sunglasses and they all became pregnant. Estrogen, an essential hormone for conception, has a sharp peak in absorption of ultraviolet light at 280 manometers. This frequency of light is usually filtered out by sunglasses and this causes failure of proper activation of estrogen with inability to conceive.

Dr. Ott did another study with cancer patients, which showed clear prolongation of life. He advised 15 cancer patients to spend as much time as possible in sunlight and to avoid artificial light sources including television. 14 of the 15 showed no progression of their tumors and several actually showed improvement. The one person who failed to improve had misunderstood the directions and continued to wear sunglasses.

pero además agrega algo que lo vengo pesando hace mucho y que no podía ponerle palabras, lo llaman Desorden Afectivo Estacional, y es justo justo lo que pensaba puede pasar cuando uno vive de invierno/primavera a invierno/primavera por bastante tiempo, aquí es lo que dicen al respecto:

Seasonal Affective Disorders (SAD)

John Ott's work Seasonal Affective Disorders has become recognized as a common well accepted syndrome which occurs in fall and winter in northern countries due to light deficiency. Patients with this disorder develop fatigue; sadness, excessive sleeping, overeating, carbohydrate craving and weight gain during the short days of winter. These changes can be reversed by extending the daily light period using 5 to 6 hours of bright, 2500 lux, full spectrum light either in the morning and evening hours or evening hours alone. The anti-depressive effects of this treatment take two to four days to appear, and relapse occurs in the same number of days if treatment is stopped. These behavioral improvements are believed to be caused by decreased secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland in a light enhanced environment. SAD affects only 1.4 % of persons living in Florida, whereas the in New Hampshire, the incidence approaches 10 %. Alaska also manifests a 10 % incidence of SAD in the winter months.

Dr. Niels Finsen, a Danish researcher, won the Nobel Prize in 1903 for his discovery that the tuberculosis like skin disease called lupus vulgaris could be cured in 98 % of cases by ultraviolet light. To learn whether this success was due to a direct effect of the ultraviolet light on the affected skin or was simply due to benefits from ultraviolet on the immune system he treated some patients by exposing only unaffected normal skin to ultraviolet light. These patients recovered equally well as those whose skin lesions were directly treated proving that the immune system was being helped by the ultraviolet rays. Recent research has revealed that Vitamin D has profound activity as an anti-oxidant as well as it's mineral absorptive and other benefits.

A physician named Auguste Rollier established a series of chalets in the Swiss Alps and other locations to treat individuals with tuberculosis in the early 1900s. All patients were exposed to the sun for 3 hours daily in the summer and 4 hours daily in the winter without permitting sunburn. This exposure to sunlight was able to convert sick deformed children with spinal tuberculosis into healthy energetic children with straight backs over a period of 18 months. This therapy also worked for abscesses, bone infections, rickets, anemias and non healing wounds as well, probably by the immune stimulation from Vitamin D.

It is hard to imagine persons living in a hot sun filled desert not getting enough Vitamin D but a recent research paper from Saudi Arabia establishes that this occurs. 300 patients with chronic back pain and low levels of [25(OH)D] were treated with 5,000 to 10,000 units of cholecalciferol daily in a study reported in the respected journal Spine. After 3 months of therapy all had return of [25(OH)D] values[5] to normal. None of the patients developed high blood calcium levels and all had improvement in their back pain.

Therapy for the deficiency of Vitamin D can be accomplished with sunlight, sun lamps or Vitamin D supplements. Unfortunately many persons are being told to avoid sunlight. These persons will need 3000 to 5000 units of cholecalciferol daily to maintain calcidiol levels in a healthy range. Persons with sarcoidosis, granulomatous diseases, lymphoma, cancer and overactive parathyroid glands (hyperparathyroidism) should not take Vitamin D except under physician supervision. Cholecalciferol is found in health food stores.

Some authorities are now recommending that an annual blood test of calcidiol be obtained by all persons because of the high frequency of Vitamin D deficiency. Some health product companies have started raising Vitamin D in their supplement products to 600 or 800 I.U. daily. Probably the level of 1200 I.U. daily as suggested[6] by Dr. Reinhold Vieth will turn out to be preferable.

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